Worsbrough Common Primary School
...is a mainstream UK primary school and nursery in the north of England with approximately 420 children between the age of 3-11. WCPS is a designated Teaching School and Apple Regional Training Centre
Partner Focus: Melanie Fisher on why knowing more about fluency apps matters
Why does knowing more about reading fluency apps matter to you and your school?
Reading fluency is vitally important to our school and its community as it is a focus at WCPS as lots of our
children and families enter our school with below expected reading levels and a limited vocabulary.
Developing reading fluency is a priority as it underpins other areas of the curriculum and provides our children with a foundation which will follow them through life. Being an Apple school we are fortunate to have a good supply of technical equipment and we recognise this as being a powerful tool to support learners. As a school we ensure our learners have access to quality apps that are used as a learning tool and we are constantly evaluating the effectiveness of these apps. However, we feel there is a gap in the market for resources to support reading fluency. We are currently in the process of joining a multi academy trust and this project is something the whole trust would then benefit from in sharing resources, knowledge and successes.
Partner Focus: Jeni Lowrie on why the school got involved in the project
Tell us why you got involved in the project?
Our involvement in the project is an exciting opportunity as we are constantly in search of innovative ideas and tools to engage our learners to ensure success in the future. Being part of the research in to these apps will provide us with a deeper understanding of how to support our learners effectively to bring about desired outcomes.