Openbare Steigerland Montessorischool a public primary school in the Amsterdam area of the Netherlands and part of an educational partnership of 18 Amsterdam primary schools (providing
education for over 6200 children)
Partner focus: Ella Duijnker
I started in 1982 as a teacher in Montessori education and have been a Director of a primary school since 1991. I developed three Montessori schools from the start into successful, large schools. I find the profession of primary school Director challenging and dynamic. From making policies to arranging daily affairs, from working with adults to working with children: I enjoy every day.
I think it is important that children are well prepared for their future. Being able to read fluently is a prerequisite. In my school, too, I see children struggling with the reading process on a regular basis and witness that they can lose confidence and motivation. I realise that apps allow us to connect more with the world of today's children, enhancing motivation and confidence. This is why I participate in this project.
Partner focus: Gabriela Prinzen
I started as a teacher in 2010 and and have been working since 2015 at Montessorischool Steigereiland, in group 3/4/5. Since this school year I am a member of the management team and I work two days a week outside my class, which means that I can, among other things, contribute to innovations in our education and policy. I think the teaching profession is wonderful, everyday is different and I enjoy working with children and the development that they go through in a short time.
Last school year I obtained my Masters in Language Specialist. I have learned even more about the importance of reading, and see in my daily practice that this does not always happen automatically. Through this project I hope that we can develop an app that will help children learn to read fluently, in a fun and stimulating way.
Partner focus: Annet ten Dam
Professional background:
For years I was a primary school teacher at a Montessorischool. Today I'm a remedial teacher, coach and a coordinator for children with Special Educational Needs.
Knowing more about reading fluency apps matters to our school so that we can let children practise on different levels and give them more help. Even so I hope that an excellent reading fluency app will contribute to their confidence and motivation.
I got involved in this project because I know Jurgen and Elise from other research according to reading.
I hope this project will lead to finding or letting develop an excellent app for children who have to practice their reading fluency.