In Belgium (Flanders) and Czechia, we are testing the “Karaton” reading App with struggling readers in grade 4. Karaton is an educational App in game-form. In this App children acquire building materials for re-building an exotic island through steering an avatar of their choice. They gain materials through spelling, splitting words, reading flash cards and more such skills. The University of Leuven has been testing this app in 8 schools during the winter term. Just as the term ended, the Corona virus locked all Belgian children to their homes. The KU Leuven was pleasantly surprised to receive this mail from one of the parents…..
Dear Professor, Earlier this year we had contact regarding my son's participation in your research. I would like to let you know that thanks to Karaton he prefers to read (and reads better). The re-gained self-confidence drives him forward (in all school subjects). It is a pleasure to see! Thank you so much already.
By the way, he (and his sister) love to continue playing Karaton in this lockdown.
Kind regards
