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Jacqueline Tordoir
2 aug 20211 minuten om te lezen
IT-gids voor leesvaardigheid
U bent schooldirecteur van een basisschool en u wilt digitale hulpmiddelen gebruiken om uw (moeilijk lezende) leerlingen te helpen bij...
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Jacqueline Tordoir
7 jun 20211 minuten om te lezen
AisforAPP represented at the European Day of Languages 2020
Professor Pol Ghesquière and Jacqueline Tordoir (KU Leuven) represented AisforAPP at the 2020 European Day of Languages.
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7 jun 20211 minuten om te lezen
Stimulating reading through apps in Flanders, Belgium - talk presented at the EARLI conference
Prof Joke Torbeyns presented a fantastic talk on the use of education technology to stimulate children's reading at the EARLI (European...
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Jacqueline Tordoir
7 jun 20211 minuten om te lezen
Using the Karaton app in lockdown
In Belgium (Flanders) and Czechia, we are testing the “Karaton” reading App with struggling readers in grade 4. Karaton is an educational...
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7 jun 20211 minuten om te lezen
AisforApp project partner and teacher toolkit days - a two day event in Belgium
On Monday and Tuesday 10,11 February, all AisforAPP partners are getting together to look at the first results of App testing.
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7 jun 20210 minuten om te lezen
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7 jun 20211 minuten om te lezen
Why I like the A is for App project...
Just back from a meeting with all 11 partners in Prague, I realised how much I like A is for Apps.
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7 jun 20212 minuten om te lezen
A report from the second transnational meeting of the A is for App project
The second transnational meeting for the A is for App initiative took place on the 15-16th of May 2019 in Sheffield in the UK. Partners...
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7 jun 20212 minuten om te lezen
Kick off event at Ter Beuke School
The Kick off event on 24 April 2019 at the Primary School in Kessel Lo Leuven gathered a wide array of stakeholders. Ter Beuke's Director...
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7 jun 20211 minuten om te lezen
A is for Apps findings presented at the National Dyslexia Conference (NL)
Jurgen Tijms from Universiteit van Amsterdam gave a presentation on How to support reading fluency for pupils with language difficulties...
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7 jun 20212 minuten om te lezen
Reading fluency apps - hide and seek
As a team, we are currently looking for the most commonly used reading fluency apps in the UK, The Netherlands and Belgium (Flanders),...
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Jacqueline Tordoir
26 mei 20211 minuten om te lezen
Steigereiland Leerlingen uit Groep 6 en 7 (10/11 jaar) kiezen Squla als beste leesapp
Leerlingen van de Openbare Montessori basisschool Steigereiland testten vier veelbelovende apps om de leesvloeiendheid te verbeteren....
12 weergaven0 opmerkingen
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